Best power shower brands - Which? (2025)

We regularly survey Which? members to find out about the showers they own. This feedback means we're well placed to recommend the power shower brands that you should choose when buying a new unit.

Power showers are designed for houses with gravity-fed systems. You're likely to have one of these if you have a cold water tank in your loft that feeds a hot water cylinder in an airing cupboard.

The problem with this setup is that the drop from the top tank to your shower may be insufficient to generate a decent water flow. One solution is to fit a power shower. This type of shower comes with its own pump to produce a more powerful jet of water (and also reducing the impact should someone else use the water supply at the same time).

In this guide, we compare four major power shower brands: Aqualisa, Grohe, Mira and Triton. If you're more interested in a different type of shower, read our guide to the best electric shower brands or best mixer shower brands.

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Power shower brands rated

In June and July 2023, we surveyed 2,642 Which? members and asked them about showers they had bought within the past five years.

The table below shows the power shower brands that received a customer score and star ratings for important factors such as temperature stability and value for money – all based on feedback from real customers.

However, some brands that were rated had too small of a sample to be included.

Only logged-in Which? members can see which brands came out on top in the table below. If you're not yet a member, join Which? to get instant access.

Brand nameCustomer scoreEase of useEase of achieving required pressureEase of achieving the required temperatureStability of temperatureBuild qualityValue for money





These results are based on the 547 Which? members, out of the 2,642 surveyed, who bought a mixer shower in the past five years. The survey was conducted in July and June 2023.

If you're considering an electric shower instead of a power shower, we've independently tested a wide range in our lab – and there's a big difference between models.

Head to our electric shower reviews for our verdicts on all popular models.

To see a breakdown of how each brand of power showers performed in the survey, join Which?.

Grohe power showers

Although they don't call them power showers, as other brands do, Grohe makes a couple of them. They have a pump to help increase the flow of water and will be suitable for those with low pressure systems.

To see what members thought of Grohe power showers in our survey, join Which?

Aqualisa power showers

Aqualisa doesn't make many power showers. Its models are actually electric showers with a booster pump to help increase the power and flow of households where there is low pressure.

Prices can reach as high as £863 for the Aquastream Thermo power shower. It claims to be able to produce up to 18 litres a minute, which is about four times as much as an ordinary electric shower.

To see what members thought of Aqualisa power showers in our survey, join Which?

Mira power showers

Mira offers two different kinds of power shower units: thermostatic and manual. The thermostatic power showers, like the Mira Event XS, give you more control over temperature.

Prices start at around £219 for the Mira Go Power but can reach upwards of £500 for the Mira Event range.

Mira claims its premium showers can produce around 16 litres a minute, which is around four times as much as an ordinary electric shower.

To see what members thought of Mira power showers in our survey, join Which?

Triton power showers

Triton doesn't offer a huge range of power showers. In fact, it only has one listed at the moment: the AS2000SR Silent Running Thermostatic Power Shower. It's priced at £250 and is said to produce up to 14 litres a minute.

To see what members thought of Triton power showers in our survey, join Which?.

Best bathroom brands

If you're overhauling your bathroom, take a look at our guide to the best and worst bathroom brands.

In June 2023, we asked 6,833 Which? members to rate brands such as B&Q, Victorian Plumbing, Duravit, Roca and Villeroy & Boch. They rated the brand's customer service, quality of products and finish, durability and value for money, giving an overall customer score. There was a big difference between them – the best got 83% and the worst scored 67%.

We also asked them to rate the best and worst bathroom furniture and best and worst bathroom sinks, taps, toilets, baths and showers.

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Best power shower brands - Which? (2025)


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