Fallout3 Mothership Zeta Walkthrough
II. Among the Stars |
==«== | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | ==== |
Steps | (1) Release the humans in stasis. (2) Speak to Sally. (3) Destroy the generator in the Cryo Labs. (4) Destroy the generator in the Hangar. (5) Destroy the generator in the Robot Assembly. (6) (Optional) Request help from the people you've revived. (7) Speak to Sally. (8) Gain access to the upper level of the alien ship. (9) Find a way to activate the Access Teleporter. |
Items | Spacesuit, Adapted Biogel (M), Alien Epoxy (M), Alien Worm Food (M), Large Alien Crystal (M), Small Alien Crystal (M), Alien Disintegrator (M), Alien Power Module (M), Alien Atomizer (M), Paint Gun, 10mm Rounds (M), Pressure Cooker, Turpentine (x2), 5.56mm Rounds (M), Abraxo Cleaner, Wrench, Cigarettes (x3), Alien Biogel (M), Rad-X (x2), Surgical Tubing, Vodka, Wonderglue (x3), Medical Brace, Purified Water, Pack of Cigarettes, .32 Pistol (x2), Advanced Radiation Suit, Flamer Fuel, Railway Spikes (M), .32 Caliber Rounds (M), Frag Grenade, Chinese Commando Hat, Chinese Pistol, Jet (x4), Buffout, Raider Painspike Armor, Power Helmet, Motorcycle Gas Tank, Energy Cell (M), Laser Rifle, Power Armor, RadAway, Stimpak (x2), Med-X (x3), Whiskey, Tesla Helmet, Mentats, Recon Armor Helmet, Microfusion Cell (M), Camera, Sensor Module, Recon Armor, Psycho, Combat Knife, Alien Log #2, Alien Log #4, Alien Log #5, Alien Log #6, Alien Log #7, Alien Log #8, Alien Log #11, Alien Log #13, Alien Log #16, Alien Log #17, Alien Log #19, Alien Log #21, Alien Log #25. |
This second mission begins fairly seamlessly with where the lengthy introductory mission concludes. Sally will have brought you to a cryogenics facility on the ship where four humans have been frozen in stasis for god-knows-how-long. By pressing a switch in front of you, in the middle of the four cryogenic chambers (two on each side), you can release them from their long static existence. By doing so, you'll now have four humans from various points in the Earth's (relatively) recent past to help you on future endeavors during this second mission. So while you don't necessarily have to free them, you ought to anyway. After all four are freed, speak to each of them to learn a little bit about them.
Paulson is a cowboy, probably from 19th century America. When you claim you're on a ship, he claims you're lying, because the ship isn't rocking back and forth, and there's no sound of water. Oy vey. Private Tercorien was a US Army medic during the war back in 2077 that eventually led to a nuclear exchange, and therefore, quintessential MAD. He's confused and scared, but actually quite useful, since he can turn all of those Alien Biogels you've been finding into useable Adapted Biogel, which exponentially raises its effectiveness. And then, there's Toshiro Kago, a samurai who speaks no English. Taken from Earth perhaps a thousand years ago, there's no communicating with this man. The fourth person cryogenically frozen, an astronaut, falls limp to the ground. Unfortunately, he's dead. But that works to your advantage, as you'll soon learn.
Please note that if you want to acquire all twenty-five Alien Logs, you're going to have to deviate from our walkthrough to visit two completely optional sections of the Mothership Zeta. Both can only be accessed from the Engineering Core, and once you leave that area (more specifically, once you undertake the spacewalk segment at the end of this mission), you won't be able to return. The first optional area is the Maintenance Level, which can be accessed via an active teleportation device just off of the center of the core. This area will involve you getting into a broken garbage elevator with Sally as she fixes it and brings you from floor to floor. Eventually, you'll be able to get out of the elevator and walk around the Waste Disposal area thereafter. Near the end of this area, right before Sally gives you a way to reach the core once more, you'll be able to grab Alien Log #19. The other two Alien Logs are found via the Cargo Hold, which is a door also off the center of the Engineering Core. Traverse the Cargo Hold until you reach an area marked as Research Lab off of it. This area contains both Alien Logs you seek. In the initial room, you'll find Alien Log #13, and in the subsequent room, you can find Alien Log #21. When these three stray Alien Logs are combined with the twenty-two we find for you in the walkthrough itself, that makes twenty-five. That's all of them! |
Off of the body of the dead astronaut, you'll find a Spacesuit. A spacewalk will soon be necessary to continue, and that Spacesuit will allow you to survive the extremes of cold, dead space. Grab it, but don't yet equip it. There's work to be done. Those locked doors we told you to ignore during the last mission, which led to places like the hangar and robot assembly area, are now going to be our destination targets. Because Sally knows how to unlock those doors (and does just that for you), you're now free to explore them in any order you so desire. We're going to start, in this walkthrough, with the Cryo Lab.
Once within the Cryo Lab, you'll be surrounded by the endless smoke and blue hue of the various freezing mechanisms around you. A lone enemy will greet you here, an alien wielding a powerful pistol. Quickly dispatch him, and then take a breather, because there are no other enemies of any consequence anywhere else in your vicinity. Move forward and seek out a switch marked as a Release Mechanism. Hit it, and then seek out a pathway leading rightward towards a down-sloping staircase. Ignore the stairs for the time being, and pillage the goods out of the nearby container instead. Nestled next to a non-functioning teleporter, you'll find all sorts of standard alien gear in there, including an Alien Disintegrator and some Alien Power Modules.
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